A software solution that comes with inbuilt industry best practices that you can immediately use to start building your goals – specific to your business, without losing the essence of your own secret sauce!
A software solution that comes with inbuilt industry best practices that you can immediately use to start building your goals – specific to your business, without losing the essence of your own secret sauce!
Take your business goals and break them into smaller objectives. Apply these objectives across functions in your organization. Create a detailed list of daily tasks for each employee, track these in real time, across devices.
Get a constant flow of data analytics that helps you reorient your existing business for enhanced productivity. With your operations and processes in control, you are now able to focus on growing your business.
Received an overview of my performance during my shift. My own performance can be tracked on daily basis which is beneficial to me, my unit and the company.
I am now more focused on my KRAs and completion of the tasks assigned to me on a daily basis.
UnitXPro keeps me updated on my pending work for the day and also allows me to plan my day in advance.
This is a great way of working! Why? Well, we always know what we have to do and how to do it. This automatically increases our discipline and efficiency.